Thursday, April 29, 2010







Monday, April 26, 2010

Break the Cycle

As it is the end of the a Monday and the beginning of a new week, I realize how much I need a break from this chaotic cycle. How can anyone delight themselves in the Lord when they are surrounded with echoing arguments and girls that don't understand that I have more thread on my shoe lace than on they have in their whole outfit? Not to mention the ridiculous amount of personal distractions we have like school, work, and electronics. I feel like I need a moment to let it go for a bit. Now obviously I can't just drop everything and live in the forest for a month and then come back (that would be super gnarly though). From these feelings I have figured out that my personality cannot stand the idea of the cycles, even for shampoo. No thanks Head & Shoulders, you're making my hair to puffy. The point is that going around in circles is not going to do anything for me. I need to change it up, get some flow. I need to experience more than reading books and playing numerous guitars. I'll be sure to keep this thing updated for all two of you who read this(whom are greatly appreciated). Let's break this cycle and get on a straight path of new experiences for God.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What impact are we making?

My brain is being driven in a million different directions right now. Lately, I feel like I've had a mission put on me that I need to step into or technically step out to. I don't want to be stuck in a cycle of a "normal Christian life". I don't want to just attend youth, church and small group. I don't want to just go to school and have a ridiculous amount of people pass me by and me not say a word to any of them.

My life isn't meant for me to satisfy my needs. It is meant for me to do what God wants me to do. He will then satisfy me in anyway I need, which ironically He is the only one that can satisfy anyone. We aren't going to be satisfied with a new phone, a bigger television or a nicer car. We as humans will never be satisfied by materialistic ways of life. Why do you think people crave love so much? Go out of their way in absolutely crazy instances to find a purpose in life? Because they can't find anything that will satisfy their lives permanently! Here's the key, are you ready? This is a big one, take a deep breath.. maybe two.

SATISFY GOD! What Alin? I didn't hear you the first time.

let me say it again. SATISFY GOD!

Love God, pray constantly, study in His word, talk to your friends or youth about your experiences, admit your struggles and pray for strength, sing to God, write blogs of thoughts, send morning texts of encouragement out.

When God sees that your life is based around serving Him, you will be satisfied beyond your greatest imagination. You will not only be spiritually rich, but He will take care of your physical financial and emotional needs. Let God be the center of your life, please. Don't be a sunday Christian anymore, it's time we step up. Get people involved. Let's show that not only is this a Christ following nation but this is a Christ following world! Every tongue, tribe, gender, group, church, life shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Growing up & Stepping out

I start to ponder on how casual my life is at times. As a high school teen, being the "out cast", good or bad, is not really the goal of many. At this point in life I should be worrying about how I'm going to fit in and how many degrees my phone can turn until it initiates the transformation of Mega-Tron. Instead, I'm at home on a friday night reading books and writing blogs.

The truth is I'm not worried about fitting in. I'm not stressed about over-exaggerated raves that happened in skate bowls at public parks. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone.

When God cares to be in an intimate relationship with me and I reject Him daily so I can jam for just one more hour or play a couple more games of basketball, He gets a bit upset. God wants me to step out from the norm and do something out of way to please Him. He wants me to go out and love the people who sometimes I want to tornado kick in the face. Continuos love is what is going to separate me and anyone else out from the norm.

Step out of your comfort zone. Make a sacrifice. Pray continuously. Fast at times. Listen to God. DO SOMETHING RADICAL!

No longer am I addicted. No longer will I flow through life. No longer will I let temptation run me. The power that rose Christ from the dead is alive in each and every one of us and once that spirit is awakened, you will not only step out from your comfort zone, you will leap.

Thursday, April 22, 2010







Friday, April 16, 2010

Confessions of Faith

Many times when I come into clicking the "New Post" button on the blog, I come with the state of mind of either convicting people or encouraging people. Maybe a combination of the two. This time I'm here to confess. Don't worry, I'm not going Catholic. Unless they have good pancakes, I am always persuaded with pancakes. I've felt like this has always been buried deep inside of me and I have either been too ashamed to admit it or too scared to believe it to be true. I have horrible faith in God. As bad as that sounds, it's not easy to admit. It is the truth though. I come to times where I am stuck in a stressful situation and I'll pray about it but then still except God to not completely handle it. Why? No clue. Tithing is hard to do because then I get scared I won't have enough money for bills or random trips to Taco Mac with the youth. There is always something going on to where I have little faith and I think now God is calling me to have more faith. I don't need to disguise myself as a person with great faith and great obedience to God when really I struggle continuously with it. I think it's time I take a leap of faith into God's hands and throw away my fear.

Thursday, April 15, 2010







Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Top 5 Cool Things About Having a Low-Tech Mobile Device

1. Battery Life

- This phone has the longest battery life I have ever seen! I could text all day, take on the phone and play Tetris and this bad boy is still running full green!

2. Size/Shape

- The size of this mamma jamma is so sleek and small that when I'm texting in class teachers can't tell if I'm texting and fondling with my pencil. Score!

3. Signal

- For some reason, this phone picks up more signal than any of my other high tech phones I have ever had(except for maybe my Blackberry). This is weird because I have always kept the same company, good job old phone!

4. Distraction

- With the entertainment of this phone left to a minimum, I'm not constantly checking and messing with it for wifi, email, games etc. The distractions basically aren't even there!

5. Durability

- The little munchkin seems so sturdy I just had to test it! This thing survives drops, slides, bear attacks, waterfalls, burning houses, fat people, my brother, throws, stomps, jack hammers, being baked in a cake and I haven't tested out run over by a bus but that seems okay too!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What are you chasing in life?

Sometimes the things we want most in life are the things that will end up killing us
-Donald Miller

Don has got some strong words in that previous sentence. Did you now just realize he's right? Our nature as human beings is to completely please ourselves and put others second, even God. Naturally, we try to do the bare minimum as Christians just to get rid of that guilt feeling we have so we can go back to our demeaning and selfish lives without thinking that we are this way. We can't get away with just the bare minimum, God knows our hearts and what we truly want in life. As we come back from Spring Break, I've been infested with stories from "Christians" that had a fantastic week indulging themselves in impurity and lust and feel no guilt or regret what so ever. God has wiped the earth once because of people's attitudes like this and I think this time it won't be this easy. If you take a closer look at the times now, It's not the same anymore. Everything is changing, slowly yes, but changing. Jesus is returning sooner than you think and I personally believe He will return while we are still alive. Ask yourself, are you living for your own pleasures or something greater?

Friday, April 9, 2010