"The Spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord" - Proverbs 20:27
Right off the bat what hit me was that MY spirit shines the light of God. God uses each and everyone of our spirits to shine His light in the world. Do you think shining God's light in this dark, wretched world is important? So then aren't our spirits important?
The world is so cut off from their own spirits that it's all about image. It comes down to who parties the hardest and whose wearing the hottest new Hollister clothes. It all comes down to your reputation in this world. Reputation is what people think you are. Character is what God knows you are. What is the point of looking good to people if that is not who you really are when there is no one to see you? What kind of light are you giving off in your life? Are you bitter and angry inside? Is your attitude the same for everyone and not just your close friends? Even children not of the Lord will be nice to their friends but it takes a child of God to love their enemies.
Recently I was told some information about a famous Christian Worship-Leading Musician who was dropped from his Record Label and is currently going through a very tough time due to being caught in having an affair with another women. Think about it, this man was in the church constantly, he was on tour, living his dream, has a family, has children. What else could he ask for? His image was very good but his spirit was nothing! The Lord isn't asking you to look good, he's asking you to be good!
If you need to do some spiritual construction right now, pray about it! Ask God to transform your life and get into His word so you can see how to do that better as well.

Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Take down Goliath!
We all know the story of David & Goliath. It's been told in Sunday School classes like crazy. I'm sure there are some whacked out pop up books on it or something. The point is that this story is definitely epic. It is the most well known battle ever. Obviously because David was a little shrimp with a couple rocks while Goliath was quite massive and probably enjoyed a breakfast the size of David. Truth is that Goliath is not the only Goliath. God used that situation and every single little detail in it so that we may learn something that we can't learn from the world.
We are going to face Goliaths in our lives, not just one but many. Whether it be a financial Goliath, relationship Goliath, career Goliath, health Goliath, Satan is going to throw them in our lives from time to time. How do we take down Goliath? We don't. Well, not by ourselves we don't. Continuous prayer!! Prayer is the most powerful weapon that you could ever have and you need to be loaded up at all times! God will never put you in a battle without the right equipment. The catch is that you MUST depend on God throughout the whole battle, have faith. You usually will never see a Goliath coming your way until it hits hard. No matter how big it is, Satan is very sneaky. Satan wants you down, he wants you to think that there is no way out, that God has failed you and is not that almighty. Do you want to become a foot stool to your enemies? No way! When you see Goliath coming your way you better pick up that sling shot and take Satan on a whole other ride. God has never and will never fail you.
I feel like Satan is going to throw a Goliath my direction soon, not just me but those around me too. Especially with the recording of the new Set CD coming up, I can tell that Satan will do ANYTHING to stop us from recording that. Satan will throw all kinds of nonsense into your life to stop you from doing God's will. I beg that we all stay in constant, real prayer with God and with each other. No Goliath will stop us, it never did and it never will.
We are going to face Goliaths in our lives, not just one but many. Whether it be a financial Goliath, relationship Goliath, career Goliath, health Goliath, Satan is going to throw them in our lives from time to time. How do we take down Goliath? We don't. Well, not by ourselves we don't. Continuous prayer!! Prayer is the most powerful weapon that you could ever have and you need to be loaded up at all times! God will never put you in a battle without the right equipment. The catch is that you MUST depend on God throughout the whole battle, have faith. You usually will never see a Goliath coming your way until it hits hard. No matter how big it is, Satan is very sneaky. Satan wants you down, he wants you to think that there is no way out, that God has failed you and is not that almighty. Do you want to become a foot stool to your enemies? No way! When you see Goliath coming your way you better pick up that sling shot and take Satan on a whole other ride. God has never and will never fail you.
I feel like Satan is going to throw a Goliath my direction soon, not just me but those around me too. Especially with the recording of the new Set CD coming up, I can tell that Satan will do ANYTHING to stop us from recording that. Satan will throw all kinds of nonsense into your life to stop you from doing God's will. I beg that we all stay in constant, real prayer with God and with each other. No Goliath will stop us, it never did and it never will.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Ever been jealous of sin?
Have you ever been jealous of somebody else's ability to sin?
There is that crowd of people that prance around the hallways, the workplace and the coffee shops that just don't mind sinning. Those people that freely explain their drunk stories to their good friends. Those people that tell you exactly how many girls they hooked up with on Spring break. Those people who don't really know that what they're doing is wrong.
I started realizing this today, I started seeing this more and more, started noticing it more as my day went on. After words, I asked myself "Why couldn't that have been me?". Why aren't I the one making out with random girls? Why can't I get high on the weekends? Why can't I go to the parties instead of just hearing about them? These questions ran through my head for about a minute until I started to feel extremely bad for them. I will never go through or do these things because God will give me an experience that they will never get to have because of this and the absence of this experience for them will conquer all the experiences they ever had.
Why can't I make out with random girls? Because my wife will one day cherish my choices and love me in a greater way than would have ever been.
Why can't I get high on the weekends? I'll smell like crap, have less money and never remember anything I ever play on guitar, there goes a God given talent down the drain.
Why can't I go to parties instead of just hearing about them? Because by spending more time with the Word of God, small groups, worships, studies, writing, jamming etc, I will be more prepared for the world's temptations and the return of Jesus Christ more than I could ever be!
No drug, hook-up or party will never satisfy you. I know something that will.
There is that crowd of people that prance around the hallways, the workplace and the coffee shops that just don't mind sinning. Those people that freely explain their drunk stories to their good friends. Those people that tell you exactly how many girls they hooked up with on Spring break. Those people who don't really know that what they're doing is wrong.
I started realizing this today, I started seeing this more and more, started noticing it more as my day went on. After words, I asked myself "Why couldn't that have been me?". Why aren't I the one making out with random girls? Why can't I get high on the weekends? Why can't I go to the parties instead of just hearing about them? These questions ran through my head for about a minute until I started to feel extremely bad for them. I will never go through or do these things because God will give me an experience that they will never get to have because of this and the absence of this experience for them will conquer all the experiences they ever had.
Why can't I make out with random girls? Because my wife will one day cherish my choices and love me in a greater way than would have ever been.
Why can't I get high on the weekends? I'll smell like crap, have less money and never remember anything I ever play on guitar, there goes a God given talent down the drain.
Why can't I go to parties instead of just hearing about them? Because by spending more time with the Word of God, small groups, worships, studies, writing, jamming etc, I will be more prepared for the world's temptations and the return of Jesus Christ more than I could ever be!
No drug, hook-up or party will never satisfy you. I know something that will.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Entire Wedding Party Takes The Plunge - Watch more Funny Videos
Motorcycle Leapfrog Nut Crunch - Watch more Funny Videos
Entire Wedding Party Takes The Plunge - Watch more Funny Videos
Motorcycle Leapfrog Nut Crunch - Watch more Funny Videos
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Throwing the Jonah's Off Your Boat
Everyone knows the story about Jonah where he disobeyed God and did things his own way. He was on a boat with some other men and there was a crazy tempest coming their way guaranteed to kill them all. Jonah knew this was all because of him and his disobedience to God that it will get not only him killed but the others on the boat as well. Those men on that boat did nothing to help temp this storm, it was all Jonah's fault and because of him they would all suffer. Is there a Jonah in your boat? Is there somebody in your life holding you back from what you need to be doing? Somebody who seems like a bad influence on your choices and obedience towards God? Somebody that needs to be thrown off your boat? It's time to throw some Jonah's off your boat!
Jonah's will always try to make you feel bad in the process just like the real Jonah. Why didn't Jonah just jump off the boat instead of asking his mates to throw him off? They always want you to feel bad about letting them go, like you're about to make a horrible decision but you have to trust what the Lord tells you to do. Pray about these Jonah's. Pray that God's will be done with them when you have let go of them, it is not your job to please everybody in your life. It is theirs and your job to try to bless God as often as possible! Do not worry about them, just like God had the whale ready to swallow Jonah and take him back to land exactly where he needed to go anyway, God will take care of your Jonah. If you have some Jonah's in your boat, get rid of them! You have been thinking of those certain people while you were reading this blog so go ahead and move on from them. Let it be and give more of your time to a Creator who rightfully deserves it!
Jonah's will always try to make you feel bad in the process just like the real Jonah. Why didn't Jonah just jump off the boat instead of asking his mates to throw him off? They always want you to feel bad about letting them go, like you're about to make a horrible decision but you have to trust what the Lord tells you to do. Pray about these Jonah's. Pray that God's will be done with them when you have let go of them, it is not your job to please everybody in your life. It is theirs and your job to try to bless God as often as possible! Do not worry about them, just like God had the whale ready to swallow Jonah and take him back to land exactly where he needed to go anyway, God will take care of your Jonah. If you have some Jonah's in your boat, get rid of them! You have been thinking of those certain people while you were reading this blog so go ahead and move on from them. Let it be and give more of your time to a Creator who rightfully deserves it!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Why is life so confusing sometimes?
This question is brought up approximately 9.7 millions times a day according to the statistics I made up for this post. Why do we ask this question so much? Is there something you don't understand about life? Of course! There is so much that happens in our day to day lives that we don't understand yet we go through it and quietly ponder off the question "why?". Life is so confusing because life is based off God's plans, not yours. We think whatever we plan to happen should happen and that be that. What if everything you wanted to happen actually did happen? Do you think your life would be better or worse? My answer is definitely worse. We always have questions like "God why did you put this girl in life if you won't let me date her?" or "God why did I have to get into so much trouble now, couldn't you have gotten me out of it?"
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven
God's plans will domino effect perfectly into what needs to be done in your life so that your life can glorify Him, the King. A lot of the time we are caught even praying for things we think God should do for us instead of praying for God's will to be done in us. Life is not confusing to the Creator of the universe. It is only confusing for us because God is always right while we make mistakes every day. We can't comprehend how each individual event will effect our everyday lives but God can. So next time before deciding that life is confusing, pray that God's will is being done and I really believe you'll have a better sense of how incredibly perfect God works.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven
God's plans will domino effect perfectly into what needs to be done in your life so that your life can glorify Him, the King. A lot of the time we are caught even praying for things we think God should do for us instead of praying for God's will to be done in us. Life is not confusing to the Creator of the universe. It is only confusing for us because God is always right while we make mistakes every day. We can't comprehend how each individual event will effect our everyday lives but God can. So next time before deciding that life is confusing, pray that God's will is being done and I really believe you'll have a better sense of how incredibly perfect God works.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die
"Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die" - David Crowder
David hit it right on the dot with that sentence. How many times have we found ourselves thinking about going to Heaven but then pondering how much else more we want to do here for our stay on Earth? I know I think about it all the time! Honestly, I want to get married, have kids, play music, enjoy the married life, see what job I'll have, pull all nighters with my brothers, take intimate road trips with the band. There is so much I want to do yet so little time. I believe that Jesus Christ is coming soon, very very soon. By soon, I don't mean a couple hundred more years, I mean now! If anyone hasn't noticed, our world is so vigorously hindered. This world is tearing apart and before it demolishes completely, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord(Phillipians 2:10). I believe Jesus will return while we are still alive. Sometimes, I get a bit sad with God and think "but God can I please get a family first? maybe even go on tour? That would be really cool!" but in the end I just realize that ETERNAL PARADISE with the reigning Creator of the universe surpasses all my worldly wants and needs.
Stay with Jesus, love Him, worship Him, read His word, talk to His people and come judgement day, you will not tremble, you will stand next to your Savior and say "He paid the price for my sins and today I'm going home". I can't wait to go home guys, I really can't! If anyone who reads this feels lost, lonely or just like they want a more personal relationship with Christ and doesn't mind talking about it, please call, text, face book, email, twitter, blog, morse code, pigeon letter, pony express me in anyway! I would love to try and encourage!
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" - Phillipians 4:13
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hickory pt. II
As many of you know, this weekend was a missions conference for the RBYA in Hickory. This missions conference was very different than what I was expecting. I have been to Hickory many times but never for missions. There were people from New York, Canada, Chicago, Atlanta etc. From what I experienced and saw, the point of the conference was a fail. We did not spend much time doing missions, which you would figure would be the point of a mission conference. We spent maybe 2 or 3 hours on missions. The presentations for the other ministry of missions made it seem like they were more so selling the ministry than actually trying to do the mission of it, the issue of money being brought up numerous amount of times made it seem like this. Before you judge this blog as a condemning and mean blog let me get to the upside. There was great fellowship! Since they for some reason gave us so much free time, I got a lot of time to hang out and talk to people. Learn more about them, their point of views, what is going on in their life. It was really a great time for fellowship. The song choices were very very good, this made me exquisitely happy! The hardest thing to do was to leave, there are some people that I miss very much already and it really saddens me to not be able to spend this kind of fellowship with them more. Overall, I think RBYA Missions Conference 2010 didn't do it's job but luckily the people did! Thank God for His children.
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