"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God depends on faith" - Philippians 3:8-9
If all I posted for the blog was just those two verses that would be enough. I need say no more, Paul said it perfectly. But I shall share my thoughts anyway because they are in my head and if I leave them there it will make my head bigger which won't bode well with my buzz cut so I must write them down.
Basically, the first thing Paul tells us that losing everything is beyond worth it to know Christ. That concept alone will stump us nowadays. Were so addicted to our televisions, video games and text messaging that we can't even give more than ten minutes of our precious time to reading the scriptures. This is the most selfish act we could possibly pull. All we do is satisfy ourselves with all the self entertainment and showing but where does God come in the picture? Paul considers everything he gave up RUBBISH in order that he may gain Christ. That means he no longer cares for what he had before because it is not nearly as good as what he has now.
Towards the end of the verse, Paul hits righteousness through faith in Christ. Think about that for a second. Being right according to Christ not according to societies standards. If we start living our lives according to what other people think is right instead of what the Bible says is right, we are going to miss out on the most incredible blessings! And I guarantee you the blessings are more incredible than whatever game you're playing or whatever movie you're watching.
Let us take a second and examine the usage of our time. What all do you do in one day? How much of that is for Christ? How much of it is for yourself? Are thing some things you need to give up? How willing are you to give them up?
Let's continue in prayer and pray about how we use our time. Pray not only for yourself but for others close to you as well.

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Who Are You Trying to Please?
"Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant" - Galatians 1:10(NLT)
So many times we are caught in trying to the win approval of people that we forget that that is not what really matters. If you really think about it, to please everyone around you would be impossible. Why do you dress the way you do? Why do you go where you go? How do you spend your free time the way you do? If you're dressing the way you do because everyone around you thinks it's cool, maybe it's time you double check your wardrobe. If you're going to a certain church only because that is where your parents want you to be yet you feel more comfortable and connected to a different church, check your priorities one more time. If you are spending all your time trying to figure out how to make everyone in your life happy, let me let you in on a secret.. that's not your job! We are not People-Pleasers, We are God-Pleasers!
Your job is to bring joy to the heart of the one who created you. Follow in His guidance and I guarantee you everything else will fall into place. God never created you to please everyone around you. You have no obligation of living up to people's standards but only living up to God's standards. When you are right with God you are not with the world. Remember, not everyone will be happy with what job you have, who you date, what music you listen to.. that's okay! The Lord created us to be His sons and daughters which means He is our Father. Set your goals, standards and way of living according to God's Word and the life of Jesus Christ.
Pray constantly and know that when you're in the right with God, your living the way He intended it.
So many times we are caught in trying to the win approval of people that we forget that that is not what really matters. If you really think about it, to please everyone around you would be impossible. Why do you dress the way you do? Why do you go where you go? How do you spend your free time the way you do? If you're dressing the way you do because everyone around you thinks it's cool, maybe it's time you double check your wardrobe. If you're going to a certain church only because that is where your parents want you to be yet you feel more comfortable and connected to a different church, check your priorities one more time. If you are spending all your time trying to figure out how to make everyone in your life happy, let me let you in on a secret.. that's not your job! We are not People-Pleasers, We are God-Pleasers!
Your job is to bring joy to the heart of the one who created you. Follow in His guidance and I guarantee you everything else will fall into place. God never created you to please everyone around you. You have no obligation of living up to people's standards but only living up to God's standards. When you are right with God you are not with the world. Remember, not everyone will be happy with what job you have, who you date, what music you listen to.. that's okay! The Lord created us to be His sons and daughters which means He is our Father. Set your goals, standards and way of living according to God's Word and the life of Jesus Christ.
Pray constantly and know that when you're in the right with God, your living the way He intended it.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I'm a Christian
"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ" - Philippians 1:27
I bet I can guess a few of the thoughts that came into your head when you read the title.
"I'm a Christian too, a lot of people are"
"How does that make you different?"
"Obviously you're a Christian! You have a blog with words that say Jesus every once in a while"
Nowadays, it's so hard to tell who is actually a follower of Christ and who just says they are a Christian so they can have some sort of religious background or because mom and dad said so. It's so easy to say you're a Christian, so incredibly easy. What is not easy is to show you are a Christian instead of just saying it. I don't even like using the word "Christian" anymore because our generation has killed that word. It means nothing anymore. It has no value and it proves no difference between people who believe in Jesus Christ and follow His way and people don't believe in Jesus Christ. 76% of Americans consider themselves Christian. Going to church Sunday mornings won't save you. Mumbling a half asleep prayer while in bed at night won't be heard. Going on youth group trips to Six Flags every summer won't clear your conscience.
In today's day and time, I don't want to be a Christian. I don't want to pray prayers that won't be heard. I don't want to go to church services that mean nothing to me. I don't want to spend 5 minutes a day reading the Word of God. I WANT TO BE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST! Don't you? Don't you want to pray with all your heart and soul? Don't you want to love because Christ loved first? Don't you want to spend more time in the Word because that is where ALL the answers are? Don't you want to be a fishermen of men and bring people to Christ so Christ can bring them salvation?
Let our behavior and activities be worthy of the gospel! Let us show love to the world even when we don't want to. Let us coat ourselves with Christ's attitude and let our heart beat and be consumed by his fire.
Let's not just be Christians, let us be Followers of Christ.
I bet I can guess a few of the thoughts that came into your head when you read the title.
"I'm a Christian too, a lot of people are"
"How does that make you different?"
"Obviously you're a Christian! You have a blog with words that say Jesus every once in a while"
Nowadays, it's so hard to tell who is actually a follower of Christ and who just says they are a Christian so they can have some sort of religious background or because mom and dad said so. It's so easy to say you're a Christian, so incredibly easy. What is not easy is to show you are a Christian instead of just saying it. I don't even like using the word "Christian" anymore because our generation has killed that word. It means nothing anymore. It has no value and it proves no difference between people who believe in Jesus Christ and follow His way and people don't believe in Jesus Christ. 76% of Americans consider themselves Christian. Going to church Sunday mornings won't save you. Mumbling a half asleep prayer while in bed at night won't be heard. Going on youth group trips to Six Flags every summer won't clear your conscience.
In today's day and time, I don't want to be a Christian. I don't want to pray prayers that won't be heard. I don't want to go to church services that mean nothing to me. I don't want to spend 5 minutes a day reading the Word of God. I WANT TO BE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST! Don't you? Don't you want to pray with all your heart and soul? Don't you want to love because Christ loved first? Don't you want to spend more time in the Word because that is where ALL the answers are? Don't you want to be a fishermen of men and bring people to Christ so Christ can bring them salvation?
Let our behavior and activities be worthy of the gospel! Let us show love to the world even when we don't want to. Let us coat ourselves with Christ's attitude and let our heart beat and be consumed by his fire.
Let's not just be Christians, let us be Followers of Christ.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Christ's Attitude in Us
"Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience" - Colossians 3:12
Every morning when I wake up the first thing I pray is that today is not a day for Alin to live but a day for God to live through Alin. I pray that my attitude will die and Christ's attitude will live through me everyday. I see this as so crucial and as a topic that is not talked about as much as it should be. We should be constantly reminded of our attitudes and how it not only affects us but it affects those around us just as much. Usually when we are surrounded with people that are showing positive Christly attitudes, that will bring out the bright positive attitude out of you!
How else do we obtain this attitude? The best 100% guaranteed way that your attitude will change is by reading the Scripture. The more you dive into God's word the more your attitude will become like God's.
Everyone of us has those negative nancy's in our lives that just never seem to be happy, never seemed to be pleased with life. This could be your co-worker, boss, somebody at church or maybe even a family member. This negative attitude comes from an absence of God's perfect attitude in your life. Go into the Word!!! Study the Scriptures, find out what Christ is like and your new attitude will begin to form. Stop trying to control your life or someone else's life. Stop complaining about not having as many materialistic blessings in this world. Stop blaming others for what you're not seeing clearly.
"The things of this world will perish, but you remain; They will all wear out like a garment" - Hebrews 1:11
It's time we realize that it is not about us anymore. It's not about what we can buy in the world, what we drive, who we can boss around, what don't we have, where can we vacation. It's not about us. When we look to Christ, we look to the positive, the spiritual amazing blessings that we have that will satisfy a thirst that will no longer need quenching. Look to Christ in all things and your attitude will go from negative to loving, caring, kindness and positivity.
Christ called us to be united, with Christ's attitude only can we do this.
Every morning when I wake up the first thing I pray is that today is not a day for Alin to live but a day for God to live through Alin. I pray that my attitude will die and Christ's attitude will live through me everyday. I see this as so crucial and as a topic that is not talked about as much as it should be. We should be constantly reminded of our attitudes and how it not only affects us but it affects those around us just as much. Usually when we are surrounded with people that are showing positive Christly attitudes, that will bring out the bright positive attitude out of you!
How else do we obtain this attitude? The best 100% guaranteed way that your attitude will change is by reading the Scripture. The more you dive into God's word the more your attitude will become like God's.
Everyone of us has those negative nancy's in our lives that just never seem to be happy, never seemed to be pleased with life. This could be your co-worker, boss, somebody at church or maybe even a family member. This negative attitude comes from an absence of God's perfect attitude in your life. Go into the Word!!! Study the Scriptures, find out what Christ is like and your new attitude will begin to form. Stop trying to control your life or someone else's life. Stop complaining about not having as many materialistic blessings in this world. Stop blaming others for what you're not seeing clearly.
"The things of this world will perish, but you remain; They will all wear out like a garment" - Hebrews 1:11
It's time we realize that it is not about us anymore. It's not about what we can buy in the world, what we drive, who we can boss around, what don't we have, where can we vacation. It's not about us. When we look to Christ, we look to the positive, the spiritual amazing blessings that we have that will satisfy a thirst that will no longer need quenching. Look to Christ in all things and your attitude will go from negative to loving, caring, kindness and positivity.
Christ called us to be united, with Christ's attitude only can we do this.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Abiding in God's Word
"For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."
-Romans 15:4(ESV)
I have read Romans multiple times but never really noticed this verse. Today this verse popped out at me. It was telling me something. It wanted me to know that whatever is going on in my life I'm suppose to look to the Scriptures for ALL the answers. I cannot fathom the number of ways we will try to do things our way instead of going to the scriptures first. Instead of going to the Scriptures first, open up the laptop and get to Google. Instead of praying God's Word will speak to you, text everyone you know asking them what they think. Instead of obeying his command to abide in his Word, just wing it and whatever happens happens.
We are NOT meant to handle this world alone! The Scriptures will help us. Encourage us. Get us through anything we need. It contains all the answers. It is your guide to life. It provides faith. It molds character. It gives strength.
When you don't any better, go to the Scriptures.
When you think you know better, go to the Sciptures.
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
-Romans 15:4(ESV)
I have read Romans multiple times but never really noticed this verse. Today this verse popped out at me. It was telling me something. It wanted me to know that whatever is going on in my life I'm suppose to look to the Scriptures for ALL the answers. I cannot fathom the number of ways we will try to do things our way instead of going to the scriptures first. Instead of going to the Scriptures first, open up the laptop and get to Google. Instead of praying God's Word will speak to you, text everyone you know asking them what they think. Instead of obeying his command to abide in his Word, just wing it and whatever happens happens.
We are NOT meant to handle this world alone! The Scriptures will help us. Encourage us. Get us through anything we need. It contains all the answers. It is your guide to life. It provides faith. It molds character. It gives strength.
When you don't any better, go to the Scriptures.
When you think you know better, go to the Sciptures.
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
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