"... you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self.." -Colossians 3: 9-10
When I became a Christian I was always taught that my life was about to change drastically. My actions would change, my words would change and my heart would beat a different beat. This is all by far extremely truthful and accurate. I did change drastically but in no way shape or form is changing easy. Putting on the new self and putting away the old self and your old fleshly desires is definitely a process. A never ending process to be more specific. We will never reach the state of perfection but we should always strive to become better for the Glory of God. Now that we are the body of Christ we have to represent in the most honorable fashion. When you become a Christian, unlike the rumors, you will not automatically become a great loving person. It takes time and true effort. I have been a follower of Christ for about five years now and it has never been harder. I am constantly messing up. I could always be giving more time to the Lord and reading His word. I am always looking out for ways to benefit me rather than God.
No matter what you hear, say or think, no one is a good person compared to Christ but do not let that get you down! It is time we look at what we can do to really make big changes. I am going to write out a list of qualities that we need to remove and a list of qualities that we need to put on. I am striving to work on this list myself and am examining myself constantly.
-Sexual Immorality
-Evil Desire
-Obscene Talk from your Mouth
-Compassionate Hearts
-Bearing with one another
*Colossians 3
Take a look at this list constantly to examine yourself, as I will do with same. Stay in constant prayer and I know the Lord will change our hearts!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
God Wants His Money Back
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”
- Malachi 3:10
Tithing has always been one of those topics that whenever I hear it come up in church the first thought that comes to my head is "The pastor just wants more money from us" Ha ha. Now in some cases that is probably true, unfortunately, but in other cases I do not think so. The verse up above clearly explains that you can NOT out-bless God. No matter how much you put in that bowl on Sundays, how much you give you the homeless or how many sacks of clothes you give away. God will ALWAYS out-bless you!
How do I know God will always out-bless me? He says "Test me in this". Put Him to the test. Put some more money in that bowl, put some more clothes in that sack. The Lord will put more money in your bank account and put more clothes on your back. What do we do with the extravagant amount of blessings the Lord is bestowing upon us? Give them back :)
The more you give back to God, what you do for a brother you do for the Lord, the more He gives back to you. It is a beautiful cycle that has never failed. When we start trusting God with our money, there will be no where else in our lives to where we don't trust God and that I can guarantee. We are so clinched to our money living in a consumer based society that we always feel like we just need more and more. The thought of giving to God seems outrageous because "we need it more than God". God does not need a dime from you, that is why He gives it back! But by giving to the Lord, not only do you give your money, but you give Him trust.
- Malachi 3:10
Tithing has always been one of those topics that whenever I hear it come up in church the first thought that comes to my head is "The pastor just wants more money from us" Ha ha. Now in some cases that is probably true, unfortunately, but in other cases I do not think so. The verse up above clearly explains that you can NOT out-bless God. No matter how much you put in that bowl on Sundays, how much you give you the homeless or how many sacks of clothes you give away. God will ALWAYS out-bless you!
How do I know God will always out-bless me? He says "Test me in this". Put Him to the test. Put some more money in that bowl, put some more clothes in that sack. The Lord will put more money in your bank account and put more clothes on your back. What do we do with the extravagant amount of blessings the Lord is bestowing upon us? Give them back :)
The more you give back to God, what you do for a brother you do for the Lord, the more He gives back to you. It is a beautiful cycle that has never failed. When we start trusting God with our money, there will be no where else in our lives to where we don't trust God and that I can guarantee. We are so clinched to our money living in a consumer based society that we always feel like we just need more and more. The thought of giving to God seems outrageous because "we need it more than God". God does not need a dime from you, that is why He gives it back! But by giving to the Lord, not only do you give your money, but you give Him trust.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Best Laugh Ever - Watch more Funny Videos
Best Laugh Ever - Watch more Funny Videos
Thursday, May 19, 2011
It Is Time For A Heart Transplant
"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”
- Jeremiah 17:9-10(NLT)
There's not much to say after reading a verse like that. You can't say much after this verse because you are sitting in silence examining your heart. Or at least that is exactly what I did and am still doing. "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things.." Wow. To think that supposedly the most important organ in our body is the most deceitful and desperately wicked. It is true though. Our hearts crave the sins of this world. Our hearts want what it should not have. Our hearts hurt more than it helps. The more our hearts indulge in the sins of this world the faster it will die. Our hearts are stone.
I do not want to take my heart of stone and polish it up, make it look nice and stick it back in. I want this evil heart gone. I was my sins gone. I want purity. I need a heart transplant.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16(NLT)
The Lord our God sent His one and only son to die for us so that His heart will be available for us. Since Christ died, His heart can now be transplanted into our bodies. We can throw away our old hearts and live to the new rhythm that our new heart beats. No more living according to our old ways, we are putting on a new self with a new heart!
"You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins." - Colossians 2:13(NLT)
- Jeremiah 17:9-10(NLT)
There's not much to say after reading a verse like that. You can't say much after this verse because you are sitting in silence examining your heart. Or at least that is exactly what I did and am still doing. "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things.." Wow. To think that supposedly the most important organ in our body is the most deceitful and desperately wicked. It is true though. Our hearts crave the sins of this world. Our hearts want what it should not have. Our hearts hurt more than it helps. The more our hearts indulge in the sins of this world the faster it will die. Our hearts are stone.
I do not want to take my heart of stone and polish it up, make it look nice and stick it back in. I want this evil heart gone. I was my sins gone. I want purity. I need a heart transplant.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16(NLT)
The Lord our God sent His one and only son to die for us so that His heart will be available for us. Since Christ died, His heart can now be transplanted into our bodies. We can throw away our old hearts and live to the new rhythm that our new heart beats. No more living according to our old ways, we are putting on a new self with a new heart!
"You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins." - Colossians 2:13(NLT)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Amazing Grace
"For it is by GRACE you have been saved through faith. This is not your own doing; it is the Gift of God" - Ephesians 2:8(ESV, Caps me)
We have all sung the melody to that song at least 753 times in our life time. Christian, Non Christian, Black, White, Gay, Straight. Whoever you are, you know the melody and words to that song. Almost every time that songs comes up on my iPod I usually skip to another song just because I have heard it so many times that that melody is no longer as appealing. It is not the melody that gets me anymore. It is what is behind it. Grace. Amazing grace.Take a look at what grace actually is.
Grace is God giving His one and only son to save a bunch of washed up sinners.
Grace is God answering prayers that don't deserve to be answered.
Grace is receiving the strength we didn't have to make it through the day.
Grace is having friends and family that we take for granted.
Grace is our sins wiped away for eternity.
Grace is the ability to read and write.
Grace is Love.
When you think about God's many acts of grace and how truly amazing it is, it is unfathomable. He loves us more than we could ever love Him. Take a glance at your life and I guarantee you you will be able to count more blessings gotten from God than blessings given to God. This is something we can work on. Even though we will never be able to be more graceful or giving than God, we can always strive to be like God. Let God's grace inspire us to have more graceful and giving hearts.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16
Why is John 3:16 the most famous verse in the entire Bible?
Because that grace that is expressed in that one verse is enough to render our minds wild. We can't process such love, mercy and grace.
At this moment, bow your head in silence and just ponder His grace. Where ever you are just for a minute. Then give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good.
We have all sung the melody to that song at least 753 times in our life time. Christian, Non Christian, Black, White, Gay, Straight. Whoever you are, you know the melody and words to that song. Almost every time that songs comes up on my iPod I usually skip to another song just because I have heard it so many times that that melody is no longer as appealing. It is not the melody that gets me anymore. It is what is behind it. Grace. Amazing grace.Take a look at what grace actually is.
Grace is God giving His one and only son to save a bunch of washed up sinners.
Grace is God answering prayers that don't deserve to be answered.
Grace is receiving the strength we didn't have to make it through the day.
Grace is having friends and family that we take for granted.
Grace is our sins wiped away for eternity.
Grace is the ability to read and write.
Grace is Love.
When you think about God's many acts of grace and how truly amazing it is, it is unfathomable. He loves us more than we could ever love Him. Take a glance at your life and I guarantee you you will be able to count more blessings gotten from God than blessings given to God. This is something we can work on. Even though we will never be able to be more graceful or giving than God, we can always strive to be like God. Let God's grace inspire us to have more graceful and giving hearts.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16
Why is John 3:16 the most famous verse in the entire Bible?
Because that grace that is expressed in that one verse is enough to render our minds wild. We can't process such love, mercy and grace.
At this moment, bow your head in silence and just ponder His grace. Where ever you are just for a minute. Then give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
This is Not Your Fight!
"Do not say 'I will repay evil'; wait for the Lord, and He will deliver you" - Proverbs 20:22
Buried in the book of Proverbs surrounded with famous verses and words of wisdom I came across this verse and just had to stop. Solomon does not want us to have any sort of animosity towards anyone for any reason. He wants us to wait. Wait for the Lord almighty. Why are we waiting? Why are we not mapping out blue prints of a destructive plan to annihilate those who have done wrong to us?
Because it is not worth it.
We do not need to chase those who have done wrong to us or to the people around us. We do not need to scheme a plan of how to send a group of samurai ninjas to steal their bed sheets. We don't need to spend time worrying about avoidable worries. The Lord WILL deliver you. That's powerful right there. The creator of this universe is going to deliver from any pain caused to you, any wrong done to you. As you read this I guarantee you are thinking of people in your life who are affecting you or have affected you in a negative way. Revenge is like a lemon, it looks sweet but tastes bitter. Put your evil plans away. Tuck your worries down the drain. Take a minute and look to your savior and say thank you. Thank you for fighting for me. Thank you for delivering me. Thank you for taking caring of me and watching over someone as small as me.
"The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” - Exodus 14:14
Today quiet yourself. Do not try to repay anyone back for what they have done to you or what they have been doing. Forgive them and let the Lord handle any fight, battle, quarry, anything! Who better to have by your side than the creator of each and every person? =]
Buried in the book of Proverbs surrounded with famous verses and words of wisdom I came across this verse and just had to stop. Solomon does not want us to have any sort of animosity towards anyone for any reason. He wants us to wait. Wait for the Lord almighty. Why are we waiting? Why are we not mapping out blue prints of a destructive plan to annihilate those who have done wrong to us?
Because it is not worth it.
We do not need to chase those who have done wrong to us or to the people around us. We do not need to scheme a plan of how to send a group of samurai ninjas to steal their bed sheets. We don't need to spend time worrying about avoidable worries. The Lord WILL deliver you. That's powerful right there. The creator of this universe is going to deliver from any pain caused to you, any wrong done to you. As you read this I guarantee you are thinking of people in your life who are affecting you or have affected you in a negative way. Revenge is like a lemon, it looks sweet but tastes bitter. Put your evil plans away. Tuck your worries down the drain. Take a minute and look to your savior and say thank you. Thank you for fighting for me. Thank you for delivering me. Thank you for taking caring of me and watching over someone as small as me.
"The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” - Exodus 14:14
Today quiet yourself. Do not try to repay anyone back for what they have done to you or what they have been doing. Forgive them and let the Lord handle any fight, battle, quarry, anything! Who better to have by your side than the creator of each and every person? =]
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Move on Forward
"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead" - Philippians 3:13
All day you could surround yourself with thoughts of what happened in the past and how it affects you now but you need to be surrounding yourself with thoughts of how your present is going to affect your future. Just like Paul said, do NOT get caught up in what lies behind. That is over, it is finished. Move forward in life. Take one day at a time and walk with the Lord. Pray that you are walking His path and His plans will go accordingly.
Move forward. Don't stop to think about the past.
All day you could surround yourself with thoughts of what happened in the past and how it affects you now but you need to be surrounding yourself with thoughts of how your present is going to affect your future. Just like Paul said, do NOT get caught up in what lies behind. That is over, it is finished. Move forward in life. Take one day at a time and walk with the Lord. Pray that you are walking His path and His plans will go accordingly.
Move forward. Don't stop to think about the past.
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