Tuesday, February 1, 2011


When I first started teaching Tae Kwon Do I worked with two Masters from Korea, Master Lee and Master Kim. As of today, I still work with Master Lee. Master Kim was always the crazy upbeat one that no one could handle. One particular day in class one of the younger students had pointed out that the formation that they were instructed to stand in was in the shape of a cross. This was not intentional but it just so happened that that's what it looked like. Master Kim being him crazy self had gotten hyped up about what the child had pointed out and asked if anyone in the class is a Christian. Talk about an awkward moment, haha Master Kim was just curious yet as soon as he asked that, EVERY single parent was eyes out focused on the class to see if he really just asked that.

Why was that moment so awkward? Why did everybody's head jump up when the term "Christian" was used? Why did it seem wrong to ask that question?

Acts 4:29 says "Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness". Now I don't know about you but how are we suppose to speak The Word with great boldness if were unable to say the word Christian in public without feeling awkward!?I can't tell you how many opportunities I've had to share the gospel or talk to somebody about Jesus or give some encouragement but that I let slip away because I didn't want somebody to think I was weird or trying to shove gospel down their throat. I didn't want to be labeled as one of "those Christians" but what am I worried about?

I believe that when we go to Heaven and were standing at the gates and we come up to Jesus, He's not going to ask us "Did you live a good life?" or "How much money did give away?" BUT "Who did you bring with you?"

Think about it. Ponder it. Next time you have an opportunity to share the Word, the beautiful word of Jesus Christ, make sure you share it with BOLDness! Do not be ashamed or scared for Gospel means "Good News!", everybody wants to know the good news =]

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