Tuesday, March 9, 2010

5 Thoughts of Mine for Today

1. Small Group
- Tonight(actually in a few hours), I will be leading our small group with this week's lesson. I don't usually lead things like this so I pray that all goes well tonight.

2. Weekend
- It's only tuesday and I'm already excited about this weekend and next! I mean come on, these weekends go by way too fast! What are your plans for this weekend?

3. Jamming
- I've had a lot of great lyrics could coming to mind in the past two days and I can't seem to put a melody with it, sometimes it is frustrating but I believe when I get a good one, It will be just splendid!

4. PS3
- I haven't actually gotten to sit down and enjoy an innocent game in quite some time, I usually play a game or two on friday nights but lately I've been so tired or busy that I haven't even tried in a while. Not that it's bad to not play, it's just relaxing.

5. Reading/Writing
- I picked up a new book yesterday, Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven but Nobody Wants To Die by David Crowder. I am quite excited to get into that and explore what David has to say. I also seem to be writing a lot of my own little "article" in a sense but not really an "article" because it's way longer. Basically, I'm just writing pages of my thoughts and experiences.

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