How lucky am I to have a future that has a future?
How lucky am I to be comforted by merely reading sacred text?
How lucky am I to have a choice and be proud of it?
How lucky am I to thank God for making me His child?
How lucky am I to not have to go through everyday non Christian problems?
How lucky am I to be surrounded by people who would go to the edge for me?
How lucky am I to have the opportunity to give what needs to be given?
How lucky am I to write what I'm writing?
How lucky am I to sing for what I live and love for?
I'm not lucky at all. I'm extremely blessed, and so are you. Action says more than words and just by writing in this blog every couple of days won't do much. God won't be in heaven thinking "Alin was a good kid, he didn't steal at all and wrote a mighty tootin' blog". What if you watched a football game where all they did was stand on the field and explain to each other what they should do? You'd probably change the channel to watch a different game. God is the same way! He doesn't want to see you talk or write about it more than He wants to see you do it! Get out of your playbook and start running some downs. It's time we realize how blessed we are.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Who are truly the rich?
There are many times when I find myself complaining about my paycheck no being big enough or not having all the new technology of pedals and guitars I want. There are so many times where I am caught up in money just like the rest of us. Just thinking about all the stuff we could buy, all the places we could go, all the things we could have. Is it worth it? Is having all this money worth your time? Money not only is a key factor to helping you get more materialistic but it has a huge factor in someones view towards somebody else. People sometimes won't even acknowledge other people of a lower status than them because they are not as good as them. Some people choose not to date others because they don't have a ton of money, even though they might actually like the person. Why is money making our decisions? Why is money getting in the way of seeing what really makes us rich? I don't want money. I don't games. I don't want someone who loves me for my economical status. I don't want the nicest car. I actually do want many guitars and pedals, LOVE it! Either way, I want something more! I don't want to come to end of the road and realize I was very successful in my earthly life but now it has no purpose. When you are full of God, you are RICH! You are ballin' Kobe Bryant style. It's hard to just let go of all this stuff and get spiritual. It takes time to transform but it will be worth it! Drop the money, get rich.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live?
Let's think about that title for a second. Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live? When I read that, I had to pause for a minute to think about everything I would be doing if I didn't want to live for the Lord. Reading the Bible and attending church would be out of the question, which those activities have had alot of time put into them. I like parties, I'm sure that would be a regular activity instead. Weed is pretty cool nowadays, why not try that too while I'm at it? I know quite a few hot girls, I'm sure they wouldn't mind hooking up. Why am I not doing these things? Am I scared of my parents? Am I too cool for it? When we refuse these earthly pleasures, do we stop to think why we are refusing? We think refusing these pleasures is the right thing to do and it is. The only reason its right is because its right in Gods eyes. We have our conscience deep inside of us screaming at us to do the right thing. God put that conscience there, He wants us to do what pleases Him! He wants to change the way we live so we don't get caught up in the earthly cycle of misery. God helped me refuse the world. He changed the way I live my life. I hope you can say the same.
Had your relationship with God actually changed the way you live?
Had your relationship with God actually changed the way you live?

Awesome Back Flip Attempt Fail - Watch more Funny Videos
Awesome Back Flip Attempt Fail - Watch more Funny Videos
Thursday, June 24, 2010
True Emotions Towards God
Feelings can be utterly annoying and confusing at times, we rarely can handle them by ourselves. We can never find the right words to explain certain emotions we have towards certain things. How many times have you found yourself trying to tell a friend how you feel and you keep starting and stopping your conversation because you can't find the right words to use? Have you ever been caught up trying to find out your own emotions towards God?
When somebody asks you how you feel about God you most likely always respond with answers like "I love Him! I'm so blessed" and "He is the number one priority in my life!". As great as that sounds, how many times can you honestly say those are true? As Christians, many of us were born and raised in the church taught to read and pray everyday. Now reading and praying comes as a guilt factor for most people, they read and pray just so they can say that they did it and get rid of that guilt. Is that really loving God at all? Is that really making Him your number one priority? I know I have definitely been caught up in my own life a lot of the time. I would do little quick guilt prayers before I fall asleep so I can have more time during the day to play guitar and xbox. I would glance over some small passages and then go watch more soccer. If we want to really love God, we have to read and pray out of LOVE not guilt. No matter quick passages, no more half asleep prayers. no more giving God a slice of your life. He made all this possible, give Him a praise of Love, not guilt.
When somebody asks you how you feel about God you most likely always respond with answers like "I love Him! I'm so blessed" and "He is the number one priority in my life!". As great as that sounds, how many times can you honestly say those are true? As Christians, many of us were born and raised in the church taught to read and pray everyday. Now reading and praying comes as a guilt factor for most people, they read and pray just so they can say that they did it and get rid of that guilt. Is that really loving God at all? Is that really making Him your number one priority? I know I have definitely been caught up in my own life a lot of the time. I would do little quick guilt prayers before I fall asleep so I can have more time during the day to play guitar and xbox. I would glance over some small passages and then go watch more soccer. If we want to really love God, we have to read and pray out of LOVE not guilt. No matter quick passages, no more half asleep prayers. no more giving God a slice of your life. He made all this possible, give Him a praise of Love, not guilt.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I can't do this by myself.
There's a lot of essentials you tend to acquire in life like food, air, bug spray, QT 49 cent fountain drinks. There are also some things that aren't so easy to really get. Since life can seem so incredibly hard and tempting a lot of the time, you want to surround yourself with good people, Godly things. You want God to be all up in your kool-aid. At times, it's not that easy to let God be all up in your kool-aid. There will be those days where your kool-aid has a bad flavor and you're not thinking about God. You have moments where you're just doing your own thing and makes more mistakes than usual. What happens now? You're trying to do your own thing and not acknowledging God. God gave you another essential that you probably don't even notice until the hard times kick in. God is so incredibly smart that He has already prepared friends for you to be there for you when you don't see Him.
Maybe you're in need of a friend right now. Maybe you messed up and you need somebody to talk to. Maybe you feel like no one is there right now and one simple text or phone call would change your whole perspective. Maybe you're the friend that needs to step up. Maybe you have a friend who is in need and needs your help. Maybe God wants you to drop your grudge and get your hands dirty. Maybe it's not about you this time. Maybe friendship is what is going to keep people on the right path. Maybe we all have some things we need to take care and now is the time.
If you feel as though a friend needs you or you need a friend, take action! God wants you to grow in fellowship, love each other and forgive. Love.
Maybe you're in need of a friend right now. Maybe you messed up and you need somebody to talk to. Maybe you feel like no one is there right now and one simple text or phone call would change your whole perspective. Maybe you're the friend that needs to step up. Maybe you have a friend who is in need and needs your help. Maybe God wants you to drop your grudge and get your hands dirty. Maybe it's not about you this time. Maybe friendship is what is going to keep people on the right path. Maybe we all have some things we need to take care and now is the time.
If you feel as though a friend needs you or you need a friend, take action! God wants you to grow in fellowship, love each other and forgive. Love.

Friday, June 18, 2010
Gun Recoil Knockout - Watch more Funny Videos
Gun Recoil Knockout - Watch more Funny Videos
Monday, June 14, 2010
Not of this World
Aren't you so glad that you are not of this world? Aren't you glad that this place most people call home isn't our home? I know I am! How many times have we been caught up in worldly situations that we ourselves couldn't have gotten out of? We are always struggling to be part of the world when we are not suppose to be!
Think about it, we are always trying to be very successful, be the light of the parties, have the coolest technology, wear only the best clothes, play the games everyone plays, watch the shows everyone watches, do only the coolest drugs, live only the worldly way.
We are in the world, not of it. It's okay that you watch tv or play music. It's okay to attend sporting events and go out to eat with your friends. You're not a bad person because of this but be aware to not be distracted. God wants you, all of you. He wants you to realize that you are His and everything you have is His. You made nothing for yourself and everything was made for you by Him. Don't be distracted by the parties, the glam, the electronics and all that. Be who God wants you to be, not what the world wants you to be.
John 15:19
"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you."
Think about it, we are always trying to be very successful, be the light of the parties, have the coolest technology, wear only the best clothes, play the games everyone plays, watch the shows everyone watches, do only the coolest drugs, live only the worldly way.
We are in the world, not of it. It's okay that you watch tv or play music. It's okay to attend sporting events and go out to eat with your friends. You're not a bad person because of this but be aware to not be distracted. God wants you, all of you. He wants you to realize that you are His and everything you have is His. You made nothing for yourself and everything was made for you by Him. Don't be distracted by the parties, the glam, the electronics and all that. Be who God wants you to be, not what the world wants you to be.
John 15:19
"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you."
Monday, June 7, 2010
You can stop worrying now!
Worry never gets anything done. Worry causes you to run from prayer. Worry takes away hope in the greatest love. Worry gives you another drink. Worry divorces your wife. Worry runs away from home. Worry steals somebody else's hard earned money. Worry leaves you hopeless in a hopeful time.
Everyone has their fears and worries that cause them to go through situations that you normally would not go through. You could be freaking out about the shortage of money to take a trip, the grades you got in the mail or boss who hasn't even noticed you still work there. We have so much in our lives that can cause us to be stressful and just give up. I want to give you five important ways to get rid of that useless worry!
1. Pray
- With prayer, you are inviting angels into your worry war zone. Worry can't stand a chance against God's army and you shouldn't let it. Don't ever be afraid to just get down on your knees and ask God for help.
2. Act
- Don't just sit there and let the worry get to you. If worry had a face, I would tell you to slap it! Worry is just another way that Satan tries to alter your mind into thinking God isn't enough. When Satan throws worry in your face, smack it away and go on with more important things!
3. Make a List
- Open up your Word Document and start making a list of everything you are worried about and then start praying about it. By keeping up with this list, you are going to see exactly how easily and care free God can take care of the situation. This is your list so don't be ashamed to put down 100 things if you wish because you know it won't stay on the list for long!
4. Share
- Take to a close friend or friends about your situation or your struggles and let them help you. Let them tell you their experiences but make sure they are listening to you as well. This allows you to see that you are not alone in this and that God has blessed you with people in your life to help you.
5. Focus for Now
- You don't need to worry about tomorrow, the Lord will provide daily! Take each day as a step, stop trying to leap over into next week with your stresses and thoughts and just leave today as today!
"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life -- whether you have enough" - Matthew 6:25
Everyone has their fears and worries that cause them to go through situations that you normally would not go through. You could be freaking out about the shortage of money to take a trip, the grades you got in the mail or boss who hasn't even noticed you still work there. We have so much in our lives that can cause us to be stressful and just give up. I want to give you five important ways to get rid of that useless worry!
1. Pray
- With prayer, you are inviting angels into your worry war zone. Worry can't stand a chance against God's army and you shouldn't let it. Don't ever be afraid to just get down on your knees and ask God for help.
2. Act
- Don't just sit there and let the worry get to you. If worry had a face, I would tell you to slap it! Worry is just another way that Satan tries to alter your mind into thinking God isn't enough. When Satan throws worry in your face, smack it away and go on with more important things!
3. Make a List
- Open up your Word Document and start making a list of everything you are worried about and then start praying about it. By keeping up with this list, you are going to see exactly how easily and care free God can take care of the situation. This is your list so don't be ashamed to put down 100 things if you wish because you know it won't stay on the list for long!
4. Share
- Take to a close friend or friends about your situation or your struggles and let them help you. Let them tell you their experiences but make sure they are listening to you as well. This allows you to see that you are not alone in this and that God has blessed you with people in your life to help you.
5. Focus for Now
- You don't need to worry about tomorrow, the Lord will provide daily! Take each day as a step, stop trying to leap over into next week with your stresses and thoughts and just leave today as today!
"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life -- whether you have enough" - Matthew 6:25
Thursday, June 3, 2010
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