There's a lot of essentials you tend to acquire in life like food, air, bug spray, QT 49 cent fountain drinks. There are also some things that aren't so easy to really get. Since life can seem so incredibly hard and tempting a lot of the time, you want to surround yourself with good people, Godly things. You want God to be all up in your kool-aid. At times, it's not that easy to let God be all up in your kool-aid. There will be those days where your kool-aid has a bad flavor and you're not thinking about God. You have moments where you're just doing your own thing and makes more mistakes than usual. What happens now? You're trying to do your own thing and not acknowledging God. God gave you another essential that you probably don't even notice until the hard times kick in. God is so incredibly smart that He has already prepared friends for you to be there for you when you don't see Him.
Maybe you're in need of a friend right now. Maybe you messed up and you need somebody to talk to. Maybe you feel like no one is there right now and one simple text or phone call would change your whole perspective. Maybe you're the friend that needs to step up. Maybe you have a friend who is in need and needs your help. Maybe God wants you to drop your grudge and get your hands dirty. Maybe it's not about you this time. Maybe friendship is what is going to keep people on the right path. Maybe we all have some things we need to take care and now is the time.
If you feel as though a friend needs you or you need a friend, take action! God wants you to grow in fellowship, love each other and forgive. Love.
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