"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but he will have light of life." - John 8:12
Oh man that verse hits hard. How many have you heard that verse? Too many. I understand. How many times have you taken your life and put in perspective with that verse?
This verse is a day to day challenge. Following the light in a dark world is not as easy as it sounds. I have figured out that the days that I spend the least time with God are the ones that I am not happy with. Sometimes I will come to the end of the day and just feel useless. That doesn't necessarily mean I didn't do anything that day, it's just kind of God's way of telling me that I didn't anything with Him that day. I should let you know, those days are down right horrible. If I wasn't spending my time with God, I couldn't have been in the light. If I wasn't in the light, I must have been in darkness. If I was in darkness, What was the point of that day? Trust me, you don't want to spend anymore time in darkness. Make God a habit! Try to include God in everything you do throughout the day, with prayer especially. Encourage others to do the same. When you follow the light, it shines through you as well.
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