Monday, September 6, 2010

Psalm 91:4

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge: His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" - Psalm 91:4

This one was a bit of a tough one but with the help of Ovi Cioloca and David Hevesi, I was able to break this down more!

"He will COVER you..." - specifically you! Being covered by God makes you invisible to Satan, how can he attack something he can't see? Satan has NO power over God!

"..with His FEATHERS" - feathers? Why would God use such a weak, light source of protection for you? Because with God there is no weak, light source of protection! God shows His almighty powers through even the weakest of feathers and can protect each and every one of us with them!

"..under his wings" - with a reference going back to Psalm 91:2, Here the author is bringing up "wings of protection" again. His wings are a fortress and it is emphasized by being said more than once. There is a huge emphasis on protection.

Rampart: (an elevation or platform lifted high) God is really to get you off the ground and lift you high next to Him. While you think you are at the bottom of the barrel, God shoots you up to the top next to Him in full security.

"...His faithfulness" - This doesn't mean his faith in US will be our rampart and shield. He means the faith that He GAVE us will be our shield and rampart!

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