Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your Loss is Gain in Christ

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God depends on faith" - Philippians 3:8-9

If all I posted for the blog was just those two verses that would be enough. I need say no more, Paul said it perfectly. But I shall share my thoughts anyway because they are in my head and if I leave them there it will make my head bigger which won't bode well with my buzz cut so I must write them down.

Basically, the first thing Paul tells us that losing everything is beyond worth it to know Christ. That concept alone will stump us nowadays. Were so addicted to our televisions, video games and text messaging that we can't even give more than ten minutes of our precious time to reading the scriptures. This is the most selfish act we could possibly pull. All we do is satisfy ourselves with all the self entertainment and showing but where does God come in the picture? Paul considers everything he gave up RUBBISH in order that he may gain Christ. That means he no longer cares for what he had before because it is not nearly as good as what he has now.

Towards the end of the verse, Paul hits righteousness through faith in Christ. Think about that for a second. Being right according to Christ not according to societies standards. If we start living our lives according to what other people think is right instead of what the Bible says is right, we are going to miss out on the most incredible blessings! And I guarantee you the blessings are more incredible than whatever game you're playing or whatever movie you're watching.

Let us take a second and examine the usage of our time. What all do you do in one day? How much of that is for Christ? How much of it is for yourself? Are thing some things you need to give up? How willing are you to give them up?

Let's continue in prayer and pray about how we use our time. Pray not only for yourself but for others close to you as well.

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