Sunday, January 31, 2010
16 was more packed and exciting than I thought it would be. If I ponder half the stuff I did at the age of 16, I'd think there is no way it all happened in one year. There were things I wish would have never happened and things I would put on repeat forever. I have a big interest this year around, I want to see how different 17 is from 16. It might be just a number but it's a new number, a new level, a new maturity. I realize that I'm growing up faster than I may want to but it's happening. God has a plan for me, he has been showing me his plans constantly in the little things I do. I hope 17 is a good year and I just wanted to thank each and every person who has contributed to making 16 an awesome year (ponder quickly to think if you are one of those people! quick! fast! ok ponder time over). May our Lord and Savior work through me like no other this year! 2010 here I come!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Life Playlist
I know a lot of people have always thought it would be cool to have a play list added to their life. I know I have. Come on, think about it.. Walking down the stairs all slow and cool and "Super Freak" is the backing track to that moment. I can definitely say my song would be changing a lot. I'm really diverse when it comes to musical selections. This morning on the way to school I had some nice David Crowder going when only a few hours ago, I was listening to the raw vocals of The Devil Wears Prada. This made me realize quite a few songs in my iTunes that I probably should delete(not The Devil Wears Prada, i like). If I found songs in my iTunes that I feel aren't "me" anymore, maybe there are songs that would go in my life playlist that are not "me" anymore. Maybe there are a few moments I'd rather throw away than put on repeat. Let us find those songs that play us for who we are.
Monday, January 25, 2010
From the moment I woke up this moment, I haven't felt as myself. This could have been caused by the fact that I woke up an hour late to first period.. again! The the fourth time in the past four days of school. When I actually got to school this morning, all i could hear was beats of the rain drops falling off the gutters making intricate sounds on the dirty pavement. Half the time I couldn't even remember where I was walking. I had no urge to read much of any book today. Luckily, I managed to share time in the Word with God. I hope tomorrow is more sane though. Speaking of more sane, check this out!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
What's your goal?
A lot of people say that you need to have goals in life. I believe that to be true in many ways. When you have goals you tend to strive to do things in life. There is also a lot of times and a lot of people that don't want goals, or simply easier goals. Everyone has had those days where you don't want to be productive at all. This generation is so filled with stress that you have to be productive all the time to keep up with the world, doing a lot of things that eventually will perish and not even matter. Think about your goals, what are you striving for? What are you trying to do that you think will actually impact you? What are YOUR goals?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
How To Have a Successful Blog
This is one of the top most searched things on google when it comes to blogs. I would know because I searched it as well. At first, I did not know why I was searching it. Why do I want a successful blog? That's when I realized I don't want a "successful" blog. I just kind of want feedback for lack of a better word. People to say they can relate to this stuff. Doesn't it brighten your day up a bit when somebody says they can relate to you in a certain way? Awesome how that works out! Anywho, short blog I know but I'll leave you guys with this. Stay fresh with Jesus peeps
Have a day.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Our God IS Greater
A few seconds ago when I was typing up the title for this, I didn't capitalize the "i" in "is". At the moment, it felt like a very small word and didn't have importance in this title. That word is probably one of the most important words in that title! Our God IS greater!! Than any other! Earlier today, I told Ovi "I guarantee tonight I will have alot to say on the blog". I'm right! I have already said alot, our God is greater. That's is an eternity of alot! I really feel that God is with us fully. I go through pain all the time, so what? God is with me. God is transforming me into a new me. I've been developing all these years and its growing and growing and I feel it so greatly working in me by God and those around me too. I really want to say thank you to my band; Ovi, Chris & Duane. You guys are more than a blessing. I just don't what to say other than thank you so much. God has really blessed us all and I know I'm preaching and this is probably repetitive and boring but this is what's on my heart and it's need to get out.
p.s. we released band shirt previews! here they are!! and no we don't know any prices for them but we are trying to figure out asap! give us opinions please!
p.s. we released band shirt previews! here they are!! and no we don't know any prices for them but we are trying to figure out asap! give us opinions please!

Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Top 5 Reasons I Play Music

- Honestly, I think it's safe to say that music is my greatest tool for worship. Of course there are many other tools and ways to worship but for me, none compare and do the job like any of my trusty old(actually not that old) guitars!
- What is funner than jamming with a bunch of Romanians at any time of the day for hours on end? Nothing! (If you have not experienced this yet, please contact me at 1-800-NEED-A-ROMANIAN)
-When you have a group of guys as talented and as lovable as those guys, you'd join as well! ( P.S. we are in need of a cowbell player, please message me if you would like to try out)
-The way you get lost in music is completely incomparable to getting lost in anything else. Emotions take over and just lead you away from any stress or problems you're having.
- If I was not a musician, I would probably not look too good with a beard. The fact that I am a musician just entices my "Sexy Beard Mode" on. Now, I do not grow a beard often but when I do, I can definitely feel my skills enhance up to 2.7 times as much!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Have you ever looked back at somebody and just had a sense of gratefulness come over you? Do you think somebody has ever looked at you and had that same sense? Haha. I believe each of us are grateful for many different things and that is a big part of who we are. Nobody wants to hang out with that one kid who is NEVER satisfied. "Mom, I want a cooler car!" "Dad, you only let me play video games for 4 hours today!"( Parents, if these are your kids, I advise you sent them to Major Taekwondo on Five Forks Trickum Road, we provide quality discipline training by only the best instructors!). What are you thankful for could make somebody else upset! Crazy right? If a little boy got a cheap $100 guitar for his birthday or something, I'm sure he'd be more excited than me. I would be quiet upset, right? I hope to be more grateful for EVERYTHING. Even troubles and temptations, because troubles and temptations are just more chances for me to prove how pure or unpure I am. How faithful or unfaithful I am. If we start to look at life more satisfied, I really think those around us would be impacted as well! Enjoy the read.
Moving Foward.
Moving Foward.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
There's just something else
As I am writing this, I hear the belching vocals of the newest American Idol contestants along with my disturbing coughing(that they can't hear I don't think). There are also many browsers, other than this, opened up ready to be explored and adored. My cell phone is happily vibrating. There is a stack of homework waiting to be done in my book bag and now as soon as I finally get time today, I start writing this blog. Why are we distracted so much? There is just so much going on now that it is hard to even have a WANT to do any of it when it comes down to it! There was alot I would have liked to do today, but we can't always just have it our way(unless were at Burger King). I would have liked to stay home today and not have gone to work. I would have liked to jam all night instead of do my homework and study. I would have liked to sleep in this morning instead of going to school. God would like me to love him more. God would like me to read more of his Word. God would like me to spread my joy with others. God would like my obedience. When it comes down to it, the distractions aren't worth it. The procrastination isn't worth it. A delayed obedience is a disobedience. Maybe alot of us need to rethink how much time we spend on what, including me.
Monday, January 11, 2010
First Blog
As I'm writing this, I feel very "xanga" style right now. I always did like xanga for the blogs, but since now we had advanced to myspace, facebook, twitter etc. I haven't been into the blogging thing much at all, I figured it's just another way to waste time on the computer. This could actually be helpful on staying on top of what I need to be doing. If i come to the end of a day and realize that my entire blog is crap but I spent no time with God at all or did anything productive, I'd look quite moronic, no? Why create it today? No clue, just have a feeling that 2010 is going to start kicking in full gear and might as well have this thing pumping iron so I could mindlessly type this for no one to read, but hey that's okay. Whatever gets my thoughts out! I will try to keep these short and sweet. Enjoy the read.
Have a day.
Have a day.
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