A few seconds ago when I was typing up the title for this, I didn't capitalize the "i" in "is". At the moment, it felt like a very small word and didn't have importance in this title. That word is probably one of the most important words in that title! Our God IS greater!! Than any other! Earlier today, I told Ovi "I guarantee tonight I will have alot to say on the blog". I'm right! I have already said alot, our God is greater. That's is an eternity of alot! I really feel that God is with us fully. I go through pain all the time, so what? God is with me. God is transforming me into a new me. I've been developing all these years and its growing and growing and I feel it so greatly working in me by God and those around me too. I really want to say thank you to my band; Ovi, Chris & Duane. You guys are more than a blessing. I just don't what to say other than thank you so much. God has really blessed us all and I know I'm preaching and this is probably repetitive and boring but this is what's on my heart and it's need to get out.
p.s. we released band shirt previews! here they are!! and no we don't know any prices for them but we are trying to figure out asap! give us opinions please!

God IS amazing
yes! he is!
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