A lot of people say that you need to have goals in life. I believe that to be true in many ways. When you have goals you tend to strive to do things in life. There is also a lot of times and a lot of people that don't want goals, or simply easier goals. Everyone has had those days where you don't want to be productive at all. This generation is so filled with stress that you have to be productive all the time to keep up with the world, doing a lot of things that eventually will perish and not even matter. Think about your goals, what are you striving for? What are you trying to do that you think will actually impact you? What are YOUR goals?

What are you goals??
After reading Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, it made my goal more clear. it definitely brought it out. I believe that I am suppose to serve God mainly with my musical worship and talents I have been given but also have the characteristics that can make me a Christ Follower.
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