Friday, April 23, 2010

Growing up & Stepping out

I start to ponder on how casual my life is at times. As a high school teen, being the "out cast", good or bad, is not really the goal of many. At this point in life I should be worrying about how I'm going to fit in and how many degrees my phone can turn until it initiates the transformation of Mega-Tron. Instead, I'm at home on a friday night reading books and writing blogs.

The truth is I'm not worried about fitting in. I'm not stressed about over-exaggerated raves that happened in skate bowls at public parks. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone.

When God cares to be in an intimate relationship with me and I reject Him daily so I can jam for just one more hour or play a couple more games of basketball, He gets a bit upset. God wants me to step out from the norm and do something out of way to please Him. He wants me to go out and love the people who sometimes I want to tornado kick in the face. Continuos love is what is going to separate me and anyone else out from the norm.

Step out of your comfort zone. Make a sacrifice. Pray continuously. Fast at times. Listen to God. DO SOMETHING RADICAL!

No longer am I addicted. No longer will I flow through life. No longer will I let temptation run me. The power that rose Christ from the dead is alive in each and every one of us and once that spirit is awakened, you will not only step out from your comfort zone, you will leap.

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